A Brand Is Not Invented – It Is Built

Brands and branding remain a much discussed topic in the world of online business. However, a lot of the information that is floating around is misleading, and there are many misconceptions that get repeated.

A Brand Is Not Invented – It Is Built

Brands and branding remain a much discussed topic in the world of online business. However, a lot of the information that is floating around is misleading, and there are many misconceptions that get repeated. It is true that the brand needs to be considered thoroughly especially from the user’s point of view, but the most important thing to remember is that building a strong brand is a long project. The one thing that it really needs is a long period of time.

So what does branding mean in the day-to-day life of an online store?

1. A Brand Cannot Be Planned Beforehand

Many people think that when you open your online store, your brand needs to be finished immediately. This is, however, a misconception, since when you start building your online store, the most important thing is getting started. The profitable business of an online store, including its brand, is the result of a long process.

It is, of course, a good thing to think about the store’s concept and brand from the beginning. Still, it is essential to understand that the brand is not finished when the store is opened – in fact, it is never finished. The brand is built and it changes in people’s minds throughout time and in relation to different situations. The only option an online store owner has is trying to influence what people think of the store in the long run. The best way to do this is offer high-quality products and services reliably and at a competitive price.

Being recognizable is a key issue when it comes to brands, which is why having a distinguished logo and style is valuable. While they are the symbol of the entire brand, they alone are not enough.

A strong brand is built out of conceptions and mental images that the customers have of the store. Is the brand youthful, reliable, or inspiring? Or are the customers undecided on whether the products and services are worth buying after all?

Here are a few things that influence how an online store builds its brand in customers’ minds:

  • How good the quality of goods and services is
  • How fast and reliable the delivery is
  • Whether good customer service is available when there are problems
  • The experiences other people have with the store
  • The situations in which the goods and services are used
  • How the store represents itself in different marketing channels and social media

3. There Is No Shortcut to a Strong Brand

For a brand to be strong enough to support the store in its entirety, two things are required above all else: hard work and time.

You can think of it also this way: If building a brand was fast and easy, every online store, even those just starting out, would have one! A strong brand is what differentiates a popular and high-quality store from others.

When building a brand, the most important rule of thumb is that you represent your store and your brand in every situation. That is why it is important to make sure that customer receive excellent customer service and the content that gets shared on social media is in line with your store’s voice.
