Just having an online store may not be enough for a business today. Marknad offers its customers Internet solutions that, in addition to an e-commerce website, also include a website and a blog.
1. A company’s website is its virtual business card
Does the company even exist if it does not have its own website? Many customers are skeptical of a company that cannot be found on the Internet. Websites have become virtual business cards, and for many, a website is the best way to share current information.
A dedicated website creates credibility for the company in the eyes of both customers and partners. For example, if the customer lacks the company’s contact information, they usually start by searching the company’s own pages as they are most likely to be founded updated there. Creating, developing and maintaining websites also forces a company to look at its own business: what can we offer our customers and in what direction should our business be taken?
In addition to an E-commerce platform, Marknad’s customers receive the desired number of pages in order to present their business operations and easily maintain contact with their customers. The building of the website goes fast and smoothly and the publication does not take long. When the website is complete, the company has its own website and domain name that can, for example,be spread on social media, or printed on business cards.
2. The online store is open around the clock
The number of online purchases is still increasing, and customers increasingly want to be able to carry out their online purchases from virtually all stores. Maintaining an online store is generally significantly more advantageous than maintaining a physical store. The online store is open 24 hours a day, what means exactly when each customer wants to make their purchases.
Read more about the benefits of e-commerce here!
Marknad offers its customers modern and easy-to-use E-commerce solutions that make it quick and easy to create an online store. Marknad supports its customers in every step of E-commerce, from launch to development and maintenance. As a Marknad customer, you are not alone with your online store!
3. A blog enhances the visibility of both the company and the online store
Blogging today is so popular that many have made it a profession. In professional circles, e-commerce and blogs often go hand in hand because they benefit each other: An interesting blog gets customers to the web shop, while the web shop can turn blogging from a hobby into a profitable profession.
Business blogs have also become more popular in recent years, and running a blog also increases the visibility of companies in other areas. Professionally and carefully designed content is easily disseminated on, for example, social media and arouses interest, not only with potential customers, but also with new partners. With the help of a blog, companies can present their own areas of expertise in more detail.
You can easily add the blogging feature to Marknad’s web shop, and then it is your imagination that sets the boundaries for the topics you want to write about. Blog posts that deal with different topics can easily be directed to different groups. Marknad can also help with content production and text creation.
Is it now time for your blog posts to spread on social media around the world?